NEON Symposium 2020
NEON Summer Symposium
21/10/2020 - 22/10/2020
10:00 am - 12:00 pm
We are delighted to announce that the eighth annual NEON Summer Symposium will be held on Wednesday 21st October and Thursday 22nd October online. The postponed event (due to covid-19) will now be called the NEON Symposium 2020.
The theme will be:
“Let’s work together – how can students shape the future of widening access”
The online conference will examine the priority placed on involving students, both prospective and existing, in the design, delivery and evaluation of widening access & participation at the strategic and operational level.
The voice of students, their stories, experiences and views are becoming increasingly important as we find ourselves trying to navigate higher education (HE) and widening access in uncertain times.
Universities are now trying and re-open whilst maintaining social distancing, provide lessons online, conduct outreach work online or within the constraints of social distancing. The student voice is crucial to understanding whether universities are delivering what they set out to, and how well they are doing so.
In particular, the voice of students from under-represented groups is crucial to understanding how current circumstances affect them in similar and unique ways. Moreover, the views of students are a key means of measuring success in the short term, in the absence of data on outcomes within this specific context.
How can we ensure more effective, equal partnership with the beneficiaries of widening access initiatives and that the student voice becomes a key part of the work which is carried out across the whole student lifecycle?
And how, in this current time, when there is uncertainty and lack of knowledge relative to in other circumstances, can we obtain the student voice in a way that truly captures their experience?
During the event, we will be discussing the importance of partnership working in order to both widen access to HE and to support students from under-represented groups into employment. We will talk about the challenges of engaging students in a productive way that enhances the work we do and ensures that their needs are being met.
To view the programme, please click here.
The event will be held on Wednesday 21st October from 10am to 4pm and on Thursday 22nd October from 10am to 12pm.
Please note that this is an online event.
Membership organisation rate: £169
Non-member organisation rate: £259
Regrettably, it is not possible to book on for just one day – this is a two day event and delegates must book onto the whole event.
If you are unsure if your organisations is a NEON member, please click here.