Access Academy Training: Establishing an effective mentoring scheme – 18th January 2019

Access Academy Training

  • Date


  • Time

      9:30 am - 4:00 pm

What to expect

Mentoring schemes are a key part of widening access work. In the past few years many organisations are not only using mentoring as an aspect of their outreach work but also as part of both their induction, retention and success strategies for learners from under-represented groups. Making sure you develop an effective mentoring scheme is therefore a key concern for those working in widening access.

By the end of the day delegates will:

  • Understand the role of mentoring in the widening access context
  • Grasp the advantages and challenges of different approaches to mentoring i.e. face to face, online, group, peers
  • Look at different approaches to engaging your audience in mentoring i.e. how to get mentee, institution and mentor to opt-in to the intervention
  • Consider the skills and techniques needed for successful mentoring
  • Improve their own knowledge around what could go wrong and how to mitigate these risks
  • Discuss and evaluate the different mentoring frameworks
  • Produce an action plan on how to develop mentoring at their own institution
  • This one day course will also enable delegates to share their current practice and help each other to overcome the challenges through the sharing of best practice.


Who should apply?

NEON’s Access Academy Training sessions are designed to be applicable to practitioners, academics and researchers from HEIs, FECs, NCOPs and third sector organisations.



Laura Gray, Head of Projects at Brightside
The first in her family to go to university Laura has worked to widen access to education since graduating in Fine Art in 2004. Initially working with those at risk of becoming NEET through community art projects and then moving into the Higher Education sector where she worked her way from administration and into Project Management roles. During her time in the Widening Participation Department at London Metropolitan University Laura worked on a number of different interventions such as Summer Schools and academic Saturday schools and then for a three-year period as the Project Manager for a large face to face mentoring programme, recruiting, training and deploying undergraduate mentors in schools across 14 London boroughs. Since 2011 Laura has led the Project Team at online mentoring charity Brightside. During her time at Brightside Laura has been integral in taking the organisation from a programme of projects reaching 3000 young people a year to this year reaching 11,000 young people.



Membership organisation rate: £149
Non-member organisation rate: £199


Date: Friday 18th January 2019
Time: 9.30am registration, 10am start until 4pm
LocationOxford Brookes University