NEON Workshop: ‘How to support students with their finances using technology and AI, transitioning into, during, and out of higher education’.

  • Date


  • Time

      10:00 am - 11:30 am

As times evolve, leveraging technology has become imperative to creating a more inclusive and supportive learning environment for all students and addressing their needs effectively. And when it comes to perhaps the biggest challenge facing higher education today: student finance, making good use of technology can make a significant impact.

What is the workshop about?

NEON is offering this free workshop to our members in partnership with Project Alix. Project Alix runs money clinics in conjunction with councils and re-training schools, and co-creates inclusive financial support services, often over WhatsApp, addressing a range of needs. They have conducted interviews and workshops with a range of students around what further support tools might be helpful for them and how to leverage new AI technology. The aim of this workshop is to share findings, explore how AI could be used from a support services perspective and discuss approaches members are taking in using AI at their institutions.

Workshop Agenda 

Introduction to Project Alix [5 minutes]

  • Using AI & WhatsApp to help with financial overwhelm

Findings from research with students across higher education & retraining [20 minutes]

  • Key summaries from student interviews across London: home & international
  • Key summaries from student money clinics with ‘retraining programmes’
  • A selection of the co-designed tools

Breakout rooms & online whiteboard, with guided questions and collaboration between attendees [50 minutes]

  • How are you currently embracing AI in your roles and teams?
  • How would you design an AI-enabled service to support student outcomes?

Wrap-up and reflections [15 mins]

Who should attend?

  • Higher education professionals in charge of student support services
  • Colleagues supporting students to access student finance, bursaries and other funding opportunities
  • Higher education professionals responsible for widening access activities and their implementation